Creating a bucket
To store data, you need a bucket. It is possible to create one for free, using but it will ask to turn on billing.Another option is to create a free AppEngine project which comes with a 5GB bucket for free and does not require any billing to be turned on. Whether you want to use AppEngine or not does not matter. Simply go to and create a new project (the drop down button on the top right corner). When asked for a name type "myproject". AppEngine will come back to you with an app-id somewhat like "myproject-1234". Now you should be able to select "Settings" on the left side of the screen. There is a blue button that will finally create a new GCS bucket. The name of the bucket is "".
Now you can go to and browse the bucket. So far it is empty, but you can already upload and download files manually this way.
Installing the Client Libraries
You need to install the Go client libraries to work with GCS and appengine.go get -u go get -u go get -u
Installing the SDK
Install the SDK from here: and follow the installation instructions on the web page. The SDK is required if you want to work with GCS from your computer. It is not required to use GCS from AppEngine in a production environment. However, it is required to use GCS from the AppEngine dev server. Now initialize the SDK:
gcloud init
Accessing GCS on AppEngine
Since the bucket is linked to your AppEngine project, AppEngine knows the name of the bucket. You can programmatically retrieve it like thisimport (
ctx := appengine.NewContext(r)
bucketname, err := file.DefaultBucketName(ctx)
client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)
Now you can use the client to work on the bucket and its objects. See for more information.
However, this will only work if you deploy the app to AppEngine. It will not work with the dev server. The reasons seems to be that the dev server has neither a GCS locally nor the right credentials to access the GCS
Accessing GCS on AppEngine Dev Server
AppEngine's dev server assigns your app a different default bucket. So we have to convince it to choose our already existing bucket. Start your application like --default_gcs_bucket_name "" myapp/
Accessing GCS this way is slow, but it works for dev stuff somehow. Please note that this solution uses the online GCS. The dev server does not come with a GCS emulator (not yet).
Accessing GCS from a Go Application
You need to grant your program access to your GCS data. See for more details. There are several options. The most convenient one for development is to use the following command:
gcloud beta auth application-default login
client, err := s.NewClient(context.Background())
bucket := client.Bucket("")
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